●●●●●● NANA ●●●●●●

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. The best is yet to come.

October 31, 2022

An introspective moment

(At The Wise King)

C: "They say you're supposed to find someone you love and put all your energy on them. So make that person yourself. You'll learn a lot about yourself."

T: "We're brought up thinking putting yourself first is a selfish move. But then it leaves our entire lives up to others. And then we're surprised people don't give us what we want."

C: "We can't count on others to know what we are, when we don't even know what we are. But we assume people can read our minds."

T: "Mind readers don't exist."

C: "Exactly. But it's really an introspective process to tell someone what really makes you happy and what your priority order is. So how can you effectively communicate that to someone else when we barely know it ourselves? How can someone else know it, if we can't communicate it?"

T: "I remember reading this article from Alain de Botton, saying the best gift we can ever have for our lovers is actually self knowledge - the ability to understand the deeper selves and to articulate that to the people we love."

C: "So it's really the most selfless thing to focus on yourself. Most people are still trying to look outward to define themselves, whereas looking inward is usually where the answers are."

T: "Cheers."

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